Category Archives: Chicken Yard

Moving Chickens Around and Starting a Garden

Well, now that I am down to 72 chickens, I have stopped using a couple of my chicken yards. I did this on purpose because I have been wanting to start a vegetable garden for years. I have a yard that is pretty well bare of grass and has been getting chicken fertilizer scratched around in it. Plus, the yard is fenced-in which will keep the rabbits and chickens out of it. I just need to remove the chicken houses that are in the yard and one is so big that I will need to at least partially take it apart.

I think I will even start some seedlings in my house or shed to get a jump start on the growing season. Food is getting so expensive and seeds are pretty cheap.

Also, I am going to plant corn to feed to my chickens. Any decaying food and the plants will end up being extra food for my chickens, too.

Update:  2/11/2012

Well, we ended up moving one smaller chicken house out and dealt with taking down some fence to get it out.  But the second larger chicken house that was super heavy, we cleaned out and are re-roofing it.  It sits on some 4×4 posts. It is only 4ft tall but I am going to use it as storage for my gardening tools.  Just need to change out the entrance so I can actually get to the tools without having to crawl into the shed.

We put down some decayed horse manure on the area we anticipate growing corn.  My husband suggested we plant something in the compost area we took the horse manure from.  So we are going to fence off that area (since it is now in a chicken yard) and plant something there.  I am thinking tomatoes or maybe watermelons.  The soil is so rich looking there.  Yoo hoo

Winter preparation

When my husband wakes up this morning, I have a long honey-do list for him to help me with today.  He retires in two months.  When his friends ask him what he will do when he retires, he tells them his wife will keep him busier than the job did.  That is probably pretty accurate except I do allow for afternoon naps.  I only nap on weekends when my husband is home but I do love a good nap.  Especially when it is so hot and you have been outside for a few hours trying to get stuff accomplished before the heat of the day.

Well, the heat is practically over here in Florida and it is time to start planning for protection for the cold for my chickens.  I am still in the process of selling some chickens and I am down to 97 from 122.  I keep thinking I want to keep them all but I know it is too many chickens to ask anyone to help take care of while my husband and I are off traveling and visiting our relatives.

I really do enjoy planning out what to do with my chicken yards.  I know I mentioned I am constantly moving or adding chicken fencing.  I want to separate the different color of Silkies to produce solid white, black, dark blue, buff and splash chicks.  I have had a number of people mention they would like some Splash chicks.   But all this involves building more 4×4 chicken houses, putting up separate fences, and netting over the top of the yard.  I have to use netting so the chicken hawks don’t get the small breed chickens.

The main thing we will be doing today is moving chickens around so no one house is too crowded and closing-in a couple of the houses so I can lock the chickens up if there is a need.  Just hope it doesn’t rain all day like it did yesterday.

I am going to sit down and make a list of supplies we need to pick up for our chicken projects today.  Since most of the houses we have built recently are open in the front, we will need to enclose this area to keep the cold winds out.  But, you also have to keep a good ventilation system for the houses, too.  And make it easy to clean the bottom of the coop.  I am thinking hinges to pull the bottom of the board up so I can rake and collect eggs.  I don’t like the idea of dark coops and reaching in to collect eggs and perhaps running into another snake.

I will let you know how the day goes…so many projects and only so many hours in the day.  Let’s see what we can get done today.  Good thing it is a three day weekend for my husband.

Chicken Swap Friends and Their Chicken Set-Up

I am enjoying the Chicken Swap site.  The information goes directly to my email address when something new is posted.  Some people might find that annoying with so many posts but I quickly delete anything that doesn’t appeal to me so no big deal.   I like to see what is for sale and what the prices are because I know I will be wanting some Maran chickens before too much longer.

Jimmy on Chicken Swap offered to show his set up to a Newbie in the chicken raising world and I asked if I could come, too.  I LOVE going to see what ideas I might pick up from others.

Jimmy’s family certainly showed “southern hospitality” by having tea and brownies for our visit.  So nice.  He has a very friendly family and I was especially impressed with his son’s knowledge and love of the chickens.

Jimmy’s set up was very impressive and I left with a bunch of ideas of future projects for our chicken yards and houses.  I hope we can duplicate his water system for his chickens because he doesn’t have to clean containers and boy would that save me some time.  Calvin and I will be doing some plumbing projects down the road.

He also have a storage building converted into a chicken house with some great ideas for the nests and perches that close up and lift up for easy cleaning underneath.   He has a run attached to it so his chickens get outside and have that much needed sunlight.  Plus, he had room for his chicken supplies in the storage building so everything was handy and so neat and clean.

Boy, my poor husband is going to have some heavy duty “honey-do lists” when he retires.  I just want to incorporate all Jimmy’s ideas into our future projects.

I was thinking about building more chicken houses with the 4×8 sheets of wood but I really like the way Jimmy and James, his son, made the back wall (of one chicken house) with vertical boards leaving a gap between each one of probably 1/2 inch for ventilation.  My chicken houses always seem hot during the summer and in my one yard, it is the only shade they have until my trees grow bigger.

And to top it all, James gave me a dozen guinea eggs.  I had guineas when I had a dairy farm in Missouri and I enjoyed seeing them running around and hearing the “buckwheat” sound the males (?) made.

I have said it before and I will say it again, chicken people are just nice and helpful people.

Snake in the chicken yard

Calvin always tells me to watch out for snakes when collecting the eggs.  He once found 2 four foot snakes in the chicken nests at his mom’s house.  So, today was my day to find a snake.

I was going into the Silkie yard to collect eggs.  Some of them like to lay on the ground even though I provide crates with hay.  There are two hens sitting on eggs in the house that is 8 feet long.   On each end, there is a hen sitting in her crate on four eggs preparing to be mammas.  Right beside the one crate is a sunk-in area where a hen has been laying eggs on previous days.  Fortunately, the whole front of the chicken house is wide open with lots of sun light so I immediately saw the snake curled up in that rounded, sunken hole.  I didn’t get too close to it but instead I ran to get a flat end shovel.

Calvin was due home within ten minutes but I couldn’t wait.  I lost a baby chick and an egg about ready to hatch and I wasn’t going to lose anymore future babies.

I stood about four feet away from the snake and shoved the shovel at it about in the center of the body just trying to hold it down.  Of course the dirt under it was soft and it made me have to push really hard just to hold it still.  I stood there for probably 10 minutes and I threw a brick on the back end of it.  There wasn’t really much I could do because I needed to just hold the shovel to prevent it from  slithering away.

I heard my neighbor, Gail, outside and I called to her. Her husband, Ray was home.  So he was over in a matter of minutes with another shovel with a sharper point.  He said it was a Corn Snake which is what I suspected and they aren’t poisonous.  He said he hated to kill it but I said it has to die.

When my husband came home, the snake was dead but it was still wiggling around.  Calvin hates snakes which is funny because when he was a kid, he played with them.   When we watch shows with snakes on them, he actually jumps when the snake strikes at someone.   This is the corn snake.  Had he been in my chicken nest in one of my closed-in chicken yards, I doubt if I would have noticed him until he bit me.  He looks like the straw that is in the nests.

I will definitely be taking a flash light from now on when I go into the darker chicken houses to collect eggs.

Moving chickens to new yards

Okay….I am being a bad wife.  My husband has the day off today and I jump out of bed at 6:45 telling my husband I need to give my white Silkies some more water.

After being outside for 10 minutes, my faithful husband joins me to help take care of the chickens.  So without even a cup of coffee, my sweetie stayed outside for an hour with me cleaning water containers and feeding the chickens and catching chickens to move them into another yard.

Yesterday,  I decided to move my Americauna hens into the Barred Rock yard since I only have 11 Americaunas hens and 10 Barred Rock hens.  The yard is really large so there is plenty of room for the 21 hens.   No roosters so they are my egg layers for right now.  I may get a rooster of each kind later but right now….way too many chickens.

My Americaunas were free ranging in the front part of my yard with their rooster and the Barred Rock were in the back part with their rooster.  My problem was my dogs keep eating the chicken poo when I let them out to run every evening.  Since they are in the front part of my yard, there was poo around for them to eat.  Well, I know that nasty strong fertilizer poo is good for plants but I can’t see how it could be good for dog’s digestive systems.  Hence, the reason to put the hens together and leave my dog’s “free range” (lol) yard free of chicken poo.

So, now I have 10 Barred Rock and 11 Americauna hens in  one large chicken yard.  This will be great because I can let them roam together and free range together.   No more chickens in my yard where I walk around and my dogs roam, too.

Now, my Americuana yard has become my Silkie rooster yard.  I am going to make some individual yards for each color of Silkie with their own chicken house but that will be have to wait until the time and money come together.

Moving my chickens around is probably like women who move their furniture around in their home.  My mom use to do that.  “Let’s try the couch over there and the chair over here.”  Not me, I have my furniture where I want it and it is not moving.  Furniture is heavy, chickens are not.