Category Archives: Family stories

Moving chickens to new yards

Okay….I am being a bad wife.  My husband has the day off today and I jump out of bed at 6:45 telling my husband I need to give my white Silkies some more water.

After being outside for 10 minutes, my faithful husband joins me to help take care of the chickens.  So without even a cup of coffee, my sweetie stayed outside for an hour with me cleaning water containers and feeding the chickens and catching chickens to move them into another yard.

Yesterday,  I decided to move my Americauna hens into the Barred Rock yard since I only have 11 Americaunas hens and 10 Barred Rock hens.  The yard is really large so there is plenty of room for the 21 hens.   No roosters so they are my egg layers for right now.  I may get a rooster of each kind later but right now….way too many chickens.

My Americaunas were free ranging in the front part of my yard with their rooster and the Barred Rock were in the back part with their rooster.  My problem was my dogs keep eating the chicken poo when I let them out to run every evening.  Since they are in the front part of my yard, there was poo around for them to eat.  Well, I know that nasty strong fertilizer poo is good for plants but I can’t see how it could be good for dog’s digestive systems.  Hence, the reason to put the hens together and leave my dog’s “free range” (lol) yard free of chicken poo.

So, now I have 10 Barred Rock and 11 Americauna hens in  one large chicken yard.  This will be great because I can let them roam together and free range together.   No more chickens in my yard where I walk around and my dogs roam, too.

Now, my Americuana yard has become my Silkie rooster yard.  I am going to make some individual yards for each color of Silkie with their own chicken house but that will be have to wait until the time and money come together.

Moving my chickens around is probably like women who move their furniture around in their home.  My mom use to do that.  “Let’s try the couch over there and the chair over here.”  Not me, I have my furniture where I want it and it is not moving.  Furniture is heavy, chickens are not.

Just another day in paradise

Nothing too exciting going on here right now.  I do have some Silkie eggs in the incubator…mainly because the lady I thought was going to purchase the fertilized eggs didn’t come get them in time so to avoid them being thrown away, I incubated them.

I also have three hens sitting on eggs.  One black Silkie has four eggs and one Partridge Silkie has four.  Then I had a grey mixed colored hen who is broody and I felt sorry for her so I gave her seven Silkie eggs.  It is sad when a hen is broody and I keep taking the eggs from under her.  The grey hen is in a yard with a couple roosters and they would produce mixed breed chicks so I don’t want any of those eggs to be hatched.  They are my eating eggs or selling eggs.  I am going to take the roosters out of there today so the eggs I am selling are not fertilized.   Some people get grossed out by the idea that the egg could have made a baby chick under the right circumstances.  Oh well.

I read on Craigslist that someone wants some chickens … free… of course so I offered some baby chicks that were given to me.  I really don’t have a place for the mixed Rhode Island Red and Buff Orphington chicks once they grow up.  I guess I could put them in the yard with Gail’s chickens since there are a bunch of mixed chickens in there.

You know…I hate to give chickens away because people often do not value something unless they have paid for it.  If you cannot afford to pay 8 bucks for a hen, can you afford feed for the chickens?  Just a thought.

I decided to separate my Silkie roosters from my hens except one white rooster and one Splash rooster.   Too many roosters and the poor girls just can’t catch a break.  I want to see if they will start laying more eggs if they don’t have the roosters in there chasing them and upsetting them.

I was looking at some of my baby chicks yesterday and I believe the chick that I thought was white is actually going to be a Splash.  My first Splash chick.  Yoo hoo  I sure hope it is a hen.  I have two female Splash and one male Splash.  I recently lost a hen and I never could figure out why.  I was outside and I noticed her sitting and I thought she was going to lay an egg and I came back later and she was dead.  It was a really hot day and I wonder if that had something to do with it.  None of them were showing signs of any sickness and still don’t.  I think I will read up on “egg bound” chickens or something  like that.  Maybe that was her problem.

And gosh, how I hate those darn ants.  You just can’t get rid of them in the chicken yards because they are attracted to the feed.  I have been trying to remember to keep ant killer around the outside of the yards where the chickens can’t get to it.  I am so sick of ant bites and I wonder if they bite the chickens, too.

Well, I have rattled on long enough and the sun is finally up so I can go out and check on my chickens and feed and water them.  I really look forward to seeing what they are up to each day.  Occasionally,  I have to put a chicken back into the right yard because they manage to fly over into another yard.  I have a couple of problem chickens.   But, it is a joy to see them all running to the fence line when they see me coming.  They know “momma” has the food.

Good morning to you all.  Hope you have a great day in your “paradise.”

Bragging bites you in the butt

A lady recently came over and was amazed that I don’t have my chickens closed-in more to protect them from predators.  I told her how I have only lost a couple over the years….in the winter months when food is scare.  That’s the bragging part.

So, I go outside and check on my chickens yesterday morning and one of my baby chicks that was only a week old and an egg were missing.  The momma and her three babies and four eggs were in a “maternity ward” that is 4×4.   I just have some fence up in front of it for easy access for me and it is held closed by a brick on one side so it would be easy for an animal to squeeze in.  It just seemed odd to me though because they are in the center of my Silkie chicken yard.   There is another yard with chicks that are about 3 weeks to 8 weeks old and there are 19 of them.  That chicken yard is on the  outside edge so I would have thought that would be the easiest to get to.

I hope it isn’t my neighbor’s cats that are bothering my chickens.  I recently saw one of them in my chicken yard lurking around.  I assumed it was in there to drink some water.   I hate outdoor cats. One of her cats was lying in my chair on the back porch the other day.  If they aren’t climbing on our cars and leaving foot prints they are roaming around on our property and making my dogs bark.

But, I do love my neighbor….she’s the greatest and she loves all animals big and small so you take the good with the bad.  I must admit, I did shoot at her cat with my little bb gun but I probably couldn’t hit one if I tried.  I just tried to shoot near the cat to scare it.

So, back to my story.  I shifted my chickens around and put the momma and her two babies and eggs into a 4×8 chain link cage and put a lock on it.  I am fearful for my 19 babies now but I will have to wait until the weekend to do anymore safety precautions.  I need my husband’s muscles.   Oops, I forgot he will be working on our riding lawn mower this weekend.  It has been broken for a couple weeks and trying to get the parts…well, hopefully this weekend our lawn will be mowed, too.

Morale of the story:  Don’t brag even if it is the truth.  I should have added how blessed I am not to be losing my chickens.  You think that would have helped????   lol

Prepared for the hurricane?

I am so thankful that hurricane Irene did not hit us.  We are very blessed.  My husband said the last time Jacksonville, Florida area was hit with a hurricane was 1954.   But, we have had lots of rain and some winds from nearby hurricanes.

So thinking the hurricane was coming, I went outside and started figuring out how I could secure my chickens better.  None of my yards really close up except some cages I have that are 4×8.  I had decided to bring the babies back inside and put them in the tub that we never use inside the house.   Of course, it was a really bad storm, we would leave town because we live in a single wide mobile home.  We would take our two dogs but there is no way I can transport 120 chickens.

I have three sisters and one brother who live in the Atlantic Beach/Morehead City area in NC so we are closely watching the news.  Jeannie, in the Mill Creek area near Newport, NC said she lost electricity at 1:30 am this morning (Saturday, Aug 27).  My sister, Bonnie is really get hit harder and she lives inland in New Bern, NC.  She has lost three trees in her yard.  Jacksonville, NC had winds of 115 mph which is fairly close to New Bern.  I can’t reach her on her cell phone so far today.

So, this has made me realize I do need to finish up my projects in my chicken yards to protect them from being blown away.  Or drowned.   I had already told my husband we needed to finish up closing-in the chicken houses in the Silkie chicken yard before the cold weather gets here.  I have lost a chicken or so over the years during the cold weather.  Not from the weather but from predators.

I moved my dog yard closer to my chickens, too.  Their barking would discourage predators hopefully.  One of my dogs is 12 years old and I think her hearing is going downhill.  Not sure she would be a lot of help but I have a hound dog (Olivia) that would probably make a lot of noise and wake up Cassie, the older dog.

I hope my chickens are smart enough to get up on their perches if their yards get flooded.  I have milk crates upside down in the Silkie houses, too.  They perch on top of them at night.  Gosh, I can’t imagine sleeping sitting up and especially perched on a pole. The roosters perch on the pole but the hens like the crates or just sit/stand in the corners or along the back of the house.

We originally had about 300 plus  pine trees on our property (2 acres).  Calvin said it was a part of a pine tree farm.  So in 1999, three years after I moved here, I talked him into letting me find someone to cut the trees down.  So I did and we sold the lumber and we actually got a check for $1000.

Our yard looks entirely different now.  We have Mimosas, Magnolia, Dog Wood, Crepe Myrtles, Red Tip Maples, Oak and what we call Pop Corn trees.   We only kept about 18 pine trees and we lost three of them from lightning.   Tall pine trees in Florida.  Duh?  I know of at least two that my neighbors have lost, too.

We wanted pretty trees and shady trees.  It was one of my first priorities to plant some trees because they take so long to grow.  You can plant bushes and flowers and even get a nice lawn, but those trees take a lot of years.

I must admit, I have a couple trees that have really grown fast and of course, they are in my chicken yards or along the yards.  That chicken manure is so great to make things grow.  You definitely have to dilute it down when putting on plants or bushes.

I am going to get back to the CNN channel and find out about the hurricane in NC.  I just heard one person was killed in NC from the storm.  No details.   I am going to say a prayer for those in the path of the hurricane.

In the meantime, I need to get breakfast ready for my hubby.  A neighbor is over helping him with our riding lawn mower problem.  Gotta love your neighbors.

I need chickens in my life

When I was outside today cleaning and caring for my chickens, I was thinking how much work this many chickens are and how I should really sell some of them and make less work for myself.  I was thinking of other things I could be doing with my time.  I could do volunteer work. I would at least be with other people and making new friends.

I realized the reason I love having the chickens so much is because it is a time consumer.  When I am in the house and feeling bored or maybe a little lonely, I go outside and do some kind of work in my chicken yard.  Sometimes I go out and do some planning.  Move this chicken over here and put up fence here and stuff like that.

The great part about having a hobby that is in your own back yard is you can just walk right outside and there you are.  No dressing up and go into town and spending money on gas.  Not that feed is cheap.  But it is right there….to feel my empty minutes of my day.

I say all of that to say, I appreciate the importance of having a hobby  that gives me so much pleasure…..and eggs and baby chicks, too.