Nothing to do with chickens really

I just wanted to say how blessed I am to married to my husband, Calvin.  He is the a wonderful husband.  He has the patience of a saint. He is the only man that I ever met that I have really felt like he is my soul mate.  He makes me better.  He makes me feel whole.

Recently, we went in Walmart looking for a web cam which we know nothing about.  We got separated and a lady asked him if she could help him.  He said no but you can help my wife.  Realizing he was looking around for me, she asked what I looked like.  He said she is very pretty.  She then told him he is a keeper and wanted to meet his wife.

The purpose of telling you that story is so you can see how blindly in love he is with me, too.  We dated when we were 16 and with our fathers being military men, we moved apart.  We never forgot each other and kept in contact all thru our lives.  I married and had three children but he never married because he always said I was the only woman he loved and wanted to marry.  My husband passed away from a motorcycle accident.  Calvin and I married in 1996, thirty years plus after dating during our freshman year of high school.

If I am grouchy, he looks outside to see if there is a full moon but doesn’t say a word to me.  We just laugh.  I feel so irritable when there is a full moon.  Obviously, he is making excuses for me.

I don’t know if we would have lasted all these years had we married out of high school.  He is an easy going man and I was …. well, I was difficult to settle down.  But, I have settled down now and we are perfect for one another.  We enjoy the same things. And we laugh all the time.

He is the stability I have always needed in my life.  I know he will never leave me, cheat on me or hurt me.  He has worked hard all his life and is retiring in December with forty years working for the government so he has a retirement pension.  He has bought property and just made some wise decisions in his life.   I am so proud of him.  He is so happy to be able to take care of me.   Oh, we are a long way away from being wealthy but we are healthy and love one another.

I can hardly wait for December to come and be able to spend every day with Calvin.  We have gotten up at 5am for so long and it will be great to sleep in and spend the morning together enjoying our coffee on the back porch.

And we plan to travel, too.  I always wanted to be an archeologist so we are going to be adventurous and go look for diamonds and stones and gold…oh my.   But first, we will go see our new grand daughter, Catherine.  She will be eleven months old by that time.

I know the world is in a mess right now and the economy is struggling.  There are people without jobs, people losing their homes, and people who are hungry.  I believe it is all in God’s hands and everything that happens, He has allowed to happen.  So reach out and help your neighbor, if you can.    And don’t forget to thank Him for all your many blessings.

So I just wanted to say, thank you Lord.

2 thoughts on “Nothing to do with chickens really

  1. Michelle

    I have been married 2x and now I feel have found the true love of my life. Reading your story gives me hope this is the real thing and I hope you and Calvin have many more years together. Hope to see yall soon. Michelle

  2. frankie Post author

    There is not much that is better than being at peace…with the person you love….with your family…with yourself. I hope it is the “real thing” this time for you.

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