Now comes the hard part. Time to slim down my chicken yard.
I have a couple options when it comes to selling my chickens. One is advertise on Craigslist which has always been successful for me. Sometimes, I check everyday to see if anyone is looking for what I have to sell and that has worked for me a number of times. I recently sold some fertilized eggs and a couple of white Silkie hens from the wanted section of farm and garden.
There is a Swap Meet at a local feed store on the last Sunday of each month. We only went there once when we bought our first Silkies. I may take a few chicks/chickens there this weekend.
There is also the local flea market where you can sell your chickens. I personally try to avoid the flea market when I purchase chickens because most of the ones I have seen look old. I prefer to look at the yard where I purchase chickens so I can see they were raised in a clean, healthy environment. But still, it is an option.
I have actually had a few people stop by that have purchased chickens from me. Repeat business is always nice. Sometimes I don’t have what they want at the time though, especially if they want 10 hens of a certain age.
I have been using the same rooster, Kellogg, for my Americuanas for a couple years now and I have a few of his sons that could replace him but I am thinking I need to trade one of my roosters for another Americuana just to get some fresh blood in the mix. I don’t know if it even matters with chickens but it just seems to make sense that a new rooster could improve the flock.
I love taking care of the chickens but I must admit, the feed bill is getting high and cleaning all those water containers is a back breaking job. I think I have 20 water containers right now.
The good part about selling chickens is putting some money in your pocket. I can’t really say I am in a profit making business because it is more of a hobby. I did sell some chickens recently and made 70 dollars not counting the eggs I sold. I really think I could make it break even if I put my mind to it.
Leah, a fellow chicken raiser, certainly seems to have a nice business going for her. She has three incubators and keeps two of them full of fertilized eggs and the third one is the hatching incubator. She sells day-old chicks for $3 to $7 days as straight run (sex not determined). She has some beautiful chickens. She advertises on Craigslist and that is how I met her. I think I have bought from her at least three times. I am wanting to get some of the Copper Marans from her. They lay the dark chocolate colored eggs. I will need another yard for them so that may have to wait until next year (putting up fence and building another house).
I have promised myself this fall will be the year I actually prepare the soil for my long awaited vegetable garden. A garden will help with feed costs for the chickens, too. I am thinking of planting corn for the chickens and of course, they will get all the extra vegetables (especially if too many grow at one time) after I share with my relatives.
I received my Mother Earth News this past week and they have an article on being self-sufficient on one acre of land. Well, I have two so that makes it even better. By the way, if you have never read or looked at a Mother Earth News, go online and look at the articles they print. Good stuff.
I am not one to be a doom and gloom kind of person but reality is….our economy sucks right now so anything you can do to provide for your family is going to help. I stock up when I can on sale items that have a long shelf life. We all need to stretch those dollars. I guess if times got really hard, I could eat my chickens. I hope that never happens for many reasons.
I hope you find a hobby that makes you feel at peace with the world or at least relaxes you. I have found my little piece (PEACE) of heaven.